Dr. Doris Wairimu Njomo
P.O. Box 54840 00200 Nairobi
“Responding to Gender and Age Needs in Prevention and Management of Drug and Substance Abuse in selected Counties of Kenya through the Health System” funded by Government of Kenya, KEMRI Health Research Funds 2015 to date
‘Evaluating Different Drug Delivery Approaches for Treatment of Soil-transmitted Helminthiasis and Schistosomiasis Infections in the National School-based Deworming Programme among Children Attending Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centers in Coast Province, Kenya’ funded by National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation 2012/2013 STI Grant-October 2013 to date
‘Increasing Coverage in Mass Treatment for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in an Urban Setting: a study of Malindi Town, Kenya’ funded by Bill and Melinda Gates funding for operational research through NTDs Support Centre, Task Force for Global Health, GA, USA- August 2011 to December 2013
‘Factors that Influence Community Compliance with Mass Treatment for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in Kilifi Urban Town, Kenya’ funded by KEMRI Internal Research Grants- August 2011 to April 2014
‘Socio-economic and Behavioral Factors Influencing Compliance with Mass Treatment in the National Programme for the Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis in Kenya’ funded by UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) (Grantee ID: A61106) and The African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship (ADDRF) through The African Population and Health Research Centre (APHRC) in partnership with International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and Ford Foundation- September 2007-September 2010

- Co-Investigator of Funded Research Projects
- “Social and Behavioral Incentives in stimulating cost-effective take-up of deworming treatment”- funded by Children Investment Fund Foundation
- “The Role of incentives in compliance with community-based mass drug administration for soil-transmitted helminthiasis treatment”- funded by Children Investment Fund Foundation
- ‘The impact of different treatment strategies on the transmission dynamics and morbidity of soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya’- funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Children Investment Fund Foundation
- ‘Impact Assessment of Surgery, Antibiotics, Facial Cleanliness and Environmental Improvement (SAFE) Strategy in Trachoma Endemic Districts of Kenya’- funded by Government of Kenya and Partners, 2014
- ‘Effect of Kenya Comprehensive School Health Programme and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) Approach for Health Education in primary schools of Mbita Sub-county, Kenya’ – funded by JICA, 2014 to present
- School-based pilot project for parasitic diseases control in Mwea, Central Kenya- 2003-2006, funded by JICA
Community mobilization, sensitization and advocacy for school-based neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) control programme in Kenya, Mwea model site of East and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC) – supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) – 2002 to 2010
Community mobilization and sensitization for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Programme- 2002 to present
- Jefitha Karimurio, Hillary Rono, Doris Njomo, John Sironka, Catherine Kareko, Michael Gichangi, Ernest Barasa, Alice Mwangi, Kefa Ronald and Francis Kiio (2017) Use of validated community-based trachoma trichiasis (TT) case finders to measure the total backlog and detect when elimination threshold is achieved: a TT methodology paper. The Pan African Medical Journal. 2017; 27:84. doi:10.11604/pamj.2017.27.84.11266
- Rosemary M. Musuva, Elizabeth Matey, Janet Masaku, Gladys Odhiambo, Faith Mwende, Isaac Thuita, Jimmy Kihara and Doris Njomo (2017) Lessons from implementing mass drug administration for soil transmitted helminths among pre-school aged children during school based deworming program at the Kenyan coast. BMC Public Health 17:575 DOI10.1186/s12889-017-4481-7
- Masaku J, Mwende F, Odhiambo G, Musuva R, Matey E, Kihara JH, Isaac G Thuita, Doris W Njomo (2017) Knowledge, practices and perceptions of geo-helminthes infection among parents of pre-school age children of coastal region, Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 11(3): e0005514.
- Njomo DW, Masaku J, Odhiambo G, Musuva R, Mwende F, Matey E, Thuita IG and Kihara JH (2016) The role of pre-school teachers in the control of soil-transmitted helminthes in coastal region, Kenya. Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines 2:24 DOI: 10.1186/s40794-016-0040-y
- Njomo DW, Karimurio J, Odhiambo GO, Mukuria M, Wanyama EB, Rono HK and Gichangi M (2016) Knowledge, practices and perceptions of trachoma and its control among communities of Narok County, Kenya. Tropical Diseases, Travel Medicine and Vaccines 2:13DOI 10.1186/s40794-016-0029-6
- Njomo DW, Mukoko DA, Nyamongo NK, Karanja J (2014) Increasing Coverage in Mass Drug Administration for Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination in an urban setting: a study of Malindi Town, Kenya. PLoS ONE 9(1): e83413. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083413
- Njomo DW, Nyamongo N, Gichuki P, Mukoko DA (2014) Factors associated with Community
Edward Githinji
- Expert/Specialist in the following Research areas:
- Entomology – mosquito & sand fly field & Insectory work; Malaria Vector Surveillance & Tungiasis control
- Parasitology – P. falciparum, Leishmania major , Shistosoma spp, & STH field & laboratory work; Master trainer National School Based Deworming Programme
- ITROMID KEMRI JKUAT Assistant Lecturer
Principal – investigator in the following Funded Research Projects:
- SSC 2901 “To determine the effects of different land and insecticide usage on insecticide resistance levels in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae; a case study in Teso Sub-county, western Kenya”…..GoK IRG 1 MILLION KES (2015/2016)
- SSC NO: 2560 “Determination of insecticide resistance and its impact on malaria transmission potential among the major vectors in Teso district in western Kenya”….NACOSTI 1MILLION KES (2012/2013)
- SSC NO: 1086 “Determination of the effects of extracts from Warburgiaugandensis, Psiadia punctulata and Chasmanthera dependens on Leishmania majorpromastigotes in vitro” (2004/2005)
Co-Investigator in the following Funded Research Projects:
- KEMRI/SERU/ESACIPAC/003/3252: An assessment of integration of health services for women and children <5 years of age within health facilities including beyond zero mobile clinics in two malaria endemic zones of Siaya and Kwale in Kenya…GoK IRG 5 MILLION KES

- PublicationsAbstracts:
- Githinji Edward, Lilian Nyandieka2, Collins Okoyo1, Judy Mwai1,Henry Kanyi1, Elses Simiyu1, Bernard Chieng1, Ruth Muia4, Stephen Munga3, Sammy Njenga1. Assessment of rural health facilities preparedness towards integration of health services & case management of uncomplicated malaria among pregnant women & children <5 years in Kwale & Siaya counties, Kenya.
- Githinji Edward, Irungu Lucy, Ndegwa Paul, Atieli Francis, Kemei Brigid, Amito Richard, Ombok Maurice, Wanjoya Antony, Mbogo Charles5 & Mathenge Evans. Effects of target-site insecticide resistance on major malaria vectors’ biting patterns and entomological inoculation rates in Teso sub county, western Kenya.
- Githinji Edward, Irungu Lucy, Ndegwa Paul, Atieli Francis, Machani Maxwell, Amito Richard, Murima Paul, Wanjoya Antony, Mbogo Charles & Mathenge Evans. Effects of kdr gene frequencies on major malaria vectors’ resting behaviour in Teso North and Teso South sub-counties, western Kenya
- Githinji Edward, Irungu Lucy, Ndegwa Paul, Atieli Francis3, Kemei Brigid, Amito Richard, Ombok Maurice, Wanjoya Antony, Mbogo Charles & Mathenge Evans. Effects of target-site insecticide resistance on major malaria vectors’ biting patterns & entomological inoculation rates in Teso sub county, western Kenya.
- Githinji Edward, Irungu Lucy, Ndegwa Paul, Atieli Francis, Kemei Brigid, Machani Maxwell, Amito Richard, Murima Paul, Ombok Maurice, Wanjoya Antony, Mbogo Charles and Mathenge Evans. Effect of kdr gene frequencies on host blood meal preferences in major malaria vectors in Teso sub counties, western Kenya.
- Githinji Edward, Irungu Lucy, Ndegwa Paul, Machani Maxwell, Amito Richard, Murima Paul, Wanjoya Antony, Mbogo Charles and Mathenge Evan. Malaria vector transmission dynamics and insecticide resistance in Teso sub-counties, western Kenya
Scientific papers:
- Githinji EK, Irungu LW, Tonui WK, Rukunga GM, Mutai C, Muthaura CN, Lugalia R, Gikandi G, Wainaina CW, Ingonga JM, Wanjoya A. In vitro effects of Warburgia ugandensis, Psiadia punctulata and Chasmanthera dependens on Leishmania major promastigotes. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2010 Apr 3; 7(3):264-75
Dr. Charles Mwandawiro is a medical entomologist/parasitologist with over 20 years of experience in operational research and control of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). He has served as Assistant Director in charge of Partnership and Collaboration at KEMRI. Currently, he coordinates School Health and Nutrition activities, particularly school-based parasite control and school feeding. Dr. Mwandawiro has authored more than 35 publications in peer-reviewed journals covering the fields of entomology and the prevention and control of NTDs and malaria.
He holds a PhD in Medical Entomology (Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University) and a Masters in Medical Parasitology from University of Nairobi.
- Rachel L Pullan, Katherine E Halliday, William E Oswald, Carlos Mcharo, Emma Beaumont, Stella Kepha, Stefan Witek-McManus, Paul M Gichuki, Elizabeth Allen, Tom Drake, Catherine Pitt, Sultani H Matendechero, Marie-Claire Gwayi-Chore, Roy M Anderson, Sammy M Njenga, Simon J Brooker*, Charles S Mwandawiro*. Effects, equity, and cost of school-based and community-wide treatment strategies for soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. The Lancet 2019; 32591-1
- Charles Mwandawiro, Collins Okoyo, Jimmy Kihara, Elses Simiyu, Stella Kepha, Suzy J. Campbell, Matthew C. Freeman5, Simon J. Brooker, Sammy M. Njenga. Results of a national school-based deworming programme in Kenya. Parasites and Vectors 2019; 12: 76
- Soren L. Becker, Harvy Joy Liwanag, Jedidiah S. Snyder, Oladele Akogun, Vicente Belizario, Matthew C. Freeman, Theresa W. Gyorkos, Rubina Imtiaz, Jennifer Keiser, Alejandro Krolewiecki, Bruno Levecke, Charles Mwandawiro, Rachel L. Pullan, David G. Addiss and Ju ¨rg Utzinger. Toward the 2020 goal of soil-transmitted helminthiasis control and elimination. PloS Neglected Tropical Diseases 2018; 12(8)
- J Mwai1, J Mutai, C Mwandawiro, S Karanja, G Karani. Factors Associated with Practices Towards Water Sanitation and Hygiene with Occurrence of Diarrhoea Among Pupils in Schools with a Feeding Programme in Ganze Sub County, Kenya. American Research Journal of Public Health 2018; 1(1):1-15
- Isabell Kingori, Wilkinson Mutahi, Anne Mwohi, Lucy Nganga, Ignatius Weru, Charles Mwandawiro, Dorcas Yole. Prevalence of single and dual mansoni and S. haematobium infections in primary school going children, an indicator of infection status in the community after two years of deworming in Taveta sub-county, Kenya. International journal of innovative research and advanced studies 2017; 4(11): 255-261
- Stella Kepha, Charles S. Mwandawiro, Roy M. Anderson, Rachel L. Pullan, Fred Nuwaha, Jorge Cano, Sammy Michugu Njenga, Maurice R. Odiere, Elizabeth Allen, Simon J. Brooker, Birgit Nikolay. Impact of single annual treatment and four-monthly treatment for hookworm and Ascaris lumbricoides, and factors associated with residual infection among Kenyan school children. Infectious diseases of poverty 2017.
- Alice V. Easton, Rita G. Oliveira, Martin Walker, Elise M. O’Connell, Sammy Michugu Njenga, Charles S. Mwandawiro, Joanne P. Webster, Thomas Nutman, Roy M. Anderson. Sources of variability in the measurement of Ascaris lumbricoides infection intensity by Kato-Katz and qPCR. Parasites & Vectors 2017
- Ngonjo T, Okoyo C, Andove J, Simiyu E, Lelo AE, Kabiru E, Kihara J, Mwandawiro C.
Current Status of Soil-Transmitted Helminths among School Children in Kakamega County, Western Kenya. Jouirnal of Parasitological Research. 2016;2016:7680124.
- Okoyo C, Nikolay B, Kihara J, Simiyu E, Garn JV, Freeman MC, Mwanje MT, Mukoko DA, Brooker SJ, Pullan RL, Njenga SM, Mwandawiro CS. Monitoring the impact of a national school based deworming programme on soil-transmitted helminths in Kenya: the first three years, 2012 – 2014.Parasites & Vectors. 2016 Jul 25;9(1):408
- Means AR, Ásbjörnsdóttir K, Mwandawiro C, Rollinson D, Jacobson J, Littlewood T, Walson JL. Sustaining Progress towards NTD Elimination: An Opportunity to Leverage Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Programs to Interrupt Transmission of Soil-Transmitted Helminths. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 2016 Jul 14;10(7)

- June 2019- Now: Chief Research Officer2017-2019: Assistant Director, KEMRI Commercial Enterprises (KCE)2011-2017 Assistant Director, Partnership & Collaboration (KEMRI)2009-2011 Acting Deputy Director, Administration & Finance (KEMRI)
2006 – Chief Research Officer Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
2003 –2009 Director, Eastern & Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC), KEMRI
2003 – Unit Lecturer (Medical Entomology and Parasitology), Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ITROMID), Nairobi, Kenya.
2003 – 2006: Principal Research Officer, Centre for Microbiology Research (CMR), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Nairobi, Kenya
2000 – 2003: Senior Research Officer (Entomology), Centre for Microbiology Research (CMR), Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) Nairobi, Kenya
1995 – 2000: Research Associate, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
1991 – 2000: Research Officer, Centre for Public Health Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute
Other Experience and Professional positions
2015: Chair of the Operational Research subcommittee of the STH Advisory Committee, Children Without Worms, USA (CWW)
2014: WHO Temporary Advisor, Technical Support to Seychelles-Mapping of STH 17-30 November
2014: WHO Temporary Advisor, Regional NTD mapping, planning workshop 2–6 June 2014,
Gaborone, Botswana.
2014: Member, Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) partners meeting to discuss progress and challenges in expanding STH control, organized by CIFF and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation from 3rd to 7th April 2014 at the Institut Pasteur, Paris France (accompanied the Hon Cabinet Secretary for Health, Kenya)
2013: Member, member of the Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis (STH) Advisory Committee meeting in
Seattle USA, 6th to November 2013
2013: WHO Temporary Advisor, to Provide Technical Support to Kenya on Mapping of NTDs, 18-22 February 2013, Nairobi, Kenya
2012-2014: Strategic Advisor for East Africa, Partnership for Child Development, Imperial College, UK
2012: WHO Temporary Advisor, in a Workshop on Guide for Mapping Neglected Tropical Diseases in the WHO Africa Region Lusaka, Zambia, 22-24 October 2012
2012: Member, CIFF Deworming Advisory Panel Meeting in London UK, 14th to 17th October 2012
2011: WHO Temporary Advisor, in a WHO meeting in Brazzaville Congo on the development of Centres of Excellence for Diagnostics and Response to disease outbreaks
2011: WHO Temporary Advisor, in a WHO meeting in Harare and Zanzibar on the development of the Strategic Plan for Control of Schistosomiasis and Soil-transmitted Helminths
2007: WHO Temporary Advisor, in a WHO-World Bank meeting on “Monitoring of Drug Efficacy in Large Scale Treatment Programmes for Human Helminthiasis” in Washington DC
2006 –2009: Secretary, Scientific Steering Committee of the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI).
2006 WHO Temporary Advisor, in a meeting to develop guidelines on integrated parasite control, in Lusaka Zambia
2001 – 2006 Coordinator of the KEMRI/JICA Project on the Global Control of Parasitic Diseases (Hashimoto Initiative)
1993: Japan International Co-operation Agency (JIC) Individual Training Fellowship
1995-2000: Monbusho scholarship by Ministry of Education of Japan for PhD
2001-2003: WHO/TDR Re-entry grant fellowship
- Strategic leadership Development Programme (2010) at Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA)
- Financial Management for Non-Finance Managers (2010) at Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA)
- Coordinated and organized 9 International Training Courses (from 2003 to 2011) on school-based parasite control with participants coming from Africa and beyond. The courses were in 2 categories; one for national level managers and the other for district level implementers.
- Coordinated and initiated the National School Health Programme for Kenya (bringing together officers from the ministries of education and health). The programme covers the whole country (starting with de-worming of 3.6 million school children in 2009) and enjoys the support of major partners such as the World Bank, WHO, Partnership for Child Development (PCD) of the UK and Deworm the World.
- Currently coordinating M&E activities of the National School-Based Deworming Programme (2012-to date) supported by Childrens Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) of the UK. 200 schools are being monitored throughout the country where over 5 million school-age children are annually dewormed.