
The Centre for Clinical Research (CCR) was established in 1985 as a clinical trials unit aimed at supporting the development of drugs and vaccines to combat priority disease conditions in Kenya.

Initially focusing on clinical trials for the treatment of leishmaniasis (kala azar) in children, CCR has been pivotal in advancing research in infectious diseases. The centre has hosted numerous clinical trials that have not only contributed to scientific knowledge but also directly impacted public health interventions in Kenya and beyond.

During its inception years, CCR became a vital site for University of Nairobi medical students, providing hands-on exposure to clinical research methodologies, drug development processes, and patient treatment strategies. This educational outreach underscores CCR’s commitment to
fostering research excellence and knowledge transfer among future healthcare professionals in Kenya.


To improve human health and quality of life through research, capacity building and service delivery


To be a globally recognized Centre of excellence in human health research.


  1. Clinical Trials:
    • Drug Safety and Efficacy Trials: Conducting Phase I-IV clinical trials to test the safety and efficacy of new drugs, vaccines, and therapies.
    • Implementation Research: Studying the real-world application of health interventions to improve public health outcomes.
  2. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services:
    • Diagnostic Testing: Providing laboratory services for accurate diagnosis of infectious and non-communicable diseases.
    • Therapeutic Monitoring: Monitoring patient responses to therapies to ensure safety and effectiveness.
  3. Capacity Building and Training:
    • Workshops and Seminars: Hosting educational sessions for healthcare professionals and researchers on clinical research methodologies, data analysis, and disease management.
    • Fellowships and Internships: Offering training programs for young scientists and medical students to develop their research skills.
  4. Public Health Support:
    • National Health Surveys: Conducting surveys to gather data on health indicators, disease prevalence, and health system performance.
    • Disease Surveillance: Monitoring and reporting on disease outbreaks and trends to inform public health responses.
  5. Consultancy Services:
    • Research Consultancy: Providing expertise in designing, implementing, and analyzing clinical research studies.
    • Policy Advisory: Advising government and health organizations on health policy and strategy development based on research evidence.
  6. Collaborative Research and Partnerships:
    • Joint Research Projects: Partnering with local and international institutions to conduct collaborative research.
    • Pharmaceutical Partnerships: Working with pharmaceutical companies to test and develop new drug compounds and therapies.
  7. Community Engagement:
    • Public Awareness Campaigns: Conducting health education campaigns to raise awareness about disease prevention and health promotion.
    • Community Advisory Boards (CABs): Engaging with community representatives to ensure research is conducted ethically and meets community needs.

Medical Centre

The KEMRI staff clinic was established in 1989 to facilitate staff and their dependents access to medical services.

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Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

The Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Division at KEMRI/CCR specializes in researching and combating a wide range of infectious diseases

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Laboratory Unit

The Laboratory Unit is dedicated to conducting comprehensive studies on the epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and control of communicable diseases.

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Neglected Disease Research

In the division the mandate is to undertake research in Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD’s) with special emphasis of Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) which is the most serious form of the disease.

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Mental Health Research

The unit leads pioneering research in mental health, focusing on a broad range of issues including drug and substance use.

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Diagnostic Imaging Research

The Radiology Division provides comprehensive diagnostic imaging, therapeutic, and research support services to study participants and the public.

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Gastrointestinal Disease Research

We conduct advanced research in digestive and liver diseases, aiming to develop effective solutions for various gastrointestinal conditions.

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Pathology & Oncology Research

This unit integrates cancer research and laboratory diagnostics to improve cancer screening and early diagnosis.

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Basic Sciences Research

Our Basic Sciences Research focuses on controlling and reducing the burden of infectious and non-infectious diseases through fundamental scientific investigations.

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Clinical Trials Division

This unit offers comprehensive trial management services and supports all phases of clinical trials (Phase I to Phase IV). Clinical trials are conducted at our Nairobi station and at our county stations in Thika, Kisumu, and Kericho.

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ENT/ Head and Neck Research

This unit focuses on conducting research and clinical trials related to upper respiratory tract and ear, nose, and throat diseases.

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Oral Health Research

This unit focuses on research and development in oral health, providing essential services to patients

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Reproductive Health Research

This unit focuses on understanding the prevalence, risk factors, associations, and interventions related to reproductive health.

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Metabolic & Cardiovascular Research

This unit advances the understanding of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and metabolic disorders through epidemiological studies, population surveys, and clinical trials

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Child & Adolescent Health Research

This unit coordinates research in prenatal, child, and adolescent health to inform health policy and practice.

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Cancer Registry

The Cancer Registry focuses on establishing hospital and population-based registries to conduct national cancer surveillance. Our primary goal is to provide the Ministry of Health and stakeholders with comprehensive data on cancer incidence, trends, mortality, and prevalence across the country. This information guides effective planning and interventions in cancer control and healthcare delivery.

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Dr. Linus Ndegwa

Ag. Deputy Director CCR

Contact Info

Kenya Medical Research Institute Headquarters, 

Nairobi. off Mbagathi way,

P.O BOX 20778 – 00200 Nairobi

Tel: 2720781

E-mail: ek.og.irmekobfsctd@rcc
