Mental Health Research

The unit leads pioneering research in mental health, focusing on a broad range of issues including drug and substance use. Our work encompasses epidemiological studies, intervention trials, and the development of prevention and treatment strategies aimed at improving mental health outcomes and addressing the complex challenges associated with substance abuse. Through this research, we aim to contribute to better mental health care and policy formulation

  • Establish a mental health research agenda.
  • Develop and validate tools and interventions for drug and substance use.
  • Conduct clinical trials in mental health.
  • Support KEMRI staff and collaborate with other institutions to address mental health challenges.
  • Deliver clinical services at the staff clinic.
  • Secure funding and form partnerships for mental health research initiatives.
Study Team
  1. Dr. Linet Ongeri – Research Scientist
  2. Tele Kapkirwok – Research Scientist
  3. Christine Njambi – Research Scientist