About us

The Sequencing Facility, under the Centre for Biotechnology Research and Development (CBRD), was established in 2020. The facility is equipped with the state-of-the-art Sequencing machines including the Illumina Miseq and Oxford nanopore GridION sequencing platforms.

Key Thematic Areas
  1. Genomics and genetic engineering Research
  2. Proteomics and Bioinformatics Research
  3. Diagnostics Research
  4. Drugs Development and therapeutics research
  5. Stem-cells and Regenerative medicine research
  6. Emerging Technologies in Biotechnology Research
Whole Genome Sequencing
  1. Large and small Whole Genome Sequencing
  2. De Novo Sequencing
  3. Phased Sequencing
Amplicon Sequencing

Analyzing genomic variations in specific genomic regions

Bioinformatics and Data Analysis

The process of analysis of sequences generated to make meaningful data and information. Bioinformatics forms an integral part of high throughput sequencing workflow

Training and Capacity Building

Training workshops in both wet lab and Bioinformatics to scientist of different cadres from Kenya and the region



 With the changing dynamics in the morphology of disease-causing pathogens, there is need to build capacity in technologies that can be used to characterize and identify these organisms.  The Kenya Medical Research Institute Centre for Biotechnology Research and Development Genomics facility and the Immunology lab have 3 sequencing platforms including Illumina Miseq-FGx, Oxford Nanopore and the S5 Ion-torrent sequencing platforms. This NGS and BI training therefore seeks to build regional and local capacity in wet lab NGS techniques as well as Bioinformatics analysis. This training will be done in collaboration with Africa Biosystems who will provide some of the training material and reagents.

When: 2nd -13th October 2022

Cost: 665 USD or KES 95,000

Aim: To build capacity in wet lab Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics analysis of genomics data

Target Group: Research Scientists, Medical Personnel, Graduate and Post-Graduate Students, Laboratory analysts and Technicians.

Expected Outcome:
  1. Development of participant skills on wet lab next generation sequencing.
  2. Improvement of participant skills on analysis of genomic data using bioinformatics tools and workflows.
  3. Establishment of genomic sequencing working groups between KEMRI and the participants.
Training Programme

Overall Coordinator: Dr. Damaris Matoke-Muhia

Training Coordinator: Kelvin Thiong’o

Collaborators: Africa Biosystems

Course Syllabus
Week Topic


(2nd -5th Oct 2023)

Introduction to Sequencing
Illumina Sequencing- sample extraction, qPCR and Library preparation
Nanopore Sequencing- sample extraction, qPCR and Library preparation



(9th-13th Oct 2023)

Ion Torrent Sequencing- sample extraction, qPCR and Library preparation
Miseq-FGx Bioinformatics data analysis
Grid-ION Bioinformatics Data analysis
Ion-Torrent S5 Bioinformatics data analysis