Geography and population
Vihiga County is one of 47 units of devolved governance located in the western region of Kenya. It covers an area of 568.3Km2, and is divided into 5 administrative units called sub-counties, . 3 sub counties are in the upper acre-ecological zone which is more suitable for agriculture and 2 sub-counties are in the lower across-ecological zone.
According to the 2019 national census data the county has a population of 590,013, 90.1% of whom reside in rural areas. 48.1% of the population is male and 51.9%female. The life expectancy is 67.1yrs for women and 64.8yrs for men. The population distribution is as follows
- 0 – 14yrs – 45%
- 15 – 64 years – 49%
- 65 yrs and above – 6%
It is the third most densely populated county in Kenya at 1047 persons/km2 compared to the national average of 82 persons/Km2; life expectancy of 56 years; average household size of 4.1 and poverty index of 38.90. Literacy data or education attainment among adults.The main economic activity is small scale agriculture.
Health infrastructure:
The County has one level five health facility, 3 level 4 hospitals, 18 health centres and 32 dispensaries with a nurse: population ratio of 1:1,947. The average distance to the nearest health facility is 5 km. It also has 19 major markets, 92% located in rural areas which serve as major social hubs for the community.
Learn more about Vihiga: https://vihiga.go.ke/