KEMRI convenes a research Integrity Sensitization Workshop
March 19, 2024
Workshop Explores the Promise of Genomic Research
March 26, 2024Institute in Key Primary Health Stakeholders’ Engagement

KEMRI was part of the Ministry of Health key stakeholders attending a dinner whose basis was the on-going
strategies that are refocusing primary health care facilities’ supply chain and equipment as a significant accelerator in achieving the Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
This very impactful working dinner held at a local Nairobi Hotel on Tuesday, 12th March 2024, also brough together the local manufacturers, supply chain/distributors and players from the diagnostics sectors.
This interactive dinner is part of the steps by the MoH to ensure SAGAS and manufacturers interact to forge
partnership that aims at strengthening Primary Health Care as a fundamental pillar for Preventive and Promotive Health. The initiative aligns with the Government’s Bottom -Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) of empowering those at the bottom of the pyramid to take charge of their health and enhancing the capacity of primary health care facilities with the goal is to minimize referrals and improve access to health services, a crucial aspect of UHC.
According to the MoH Permanent Secretary (PS) State Department for Public Health and Professional Standards, Ms. Mary Muthoni, such dinners are expected to brainstorm out of the natural work set up on how to improve the healthcare ecosystem and bridge existing gaps in infrastructure, equipment and supplies.
The state department is in the process of engaging primary health care facilities to reinforce the availability
and access to primary level services as stipulated in the recent acts and regulations.
KEMRI Researchers led by Ag. Deputy Director NonCommunicable Research Programme, Dr. Linnet Ongeri
led the team at the function who included Ms. Lucy Kanyara, Ms. Milkah Mwangi, Mr. Ibrahim Ndungu, Ms. Martha Mungai, Ms. Asiko Ongaya, Ms. Joan Hassan, Mr. Samuel Omari, Ms. Tiffany Wandera, Ms. Mercy Tuluso, Ms. Lydia Moraa and Ms. Maureen Sagoma

her remarks at the dinner.

attended the interactive dinner pose for a photo