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May 21, 2024KEMRI at MS-CORSTI 3 Conference

Prof. Elijah Songok responds to questions during the Question-and-Answer session at the 3rd Multisectoral Conference.
The 3rd Multi-Sectoral Conference and Exhibitions on Research, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MS-CORSTI 3) took place from 7th to 10th May, 2024 in Nairobi. The conference whose theme was Science, Technology, and Innovation as the Game-Changer for National Security and Sustainable Prosperity,” and organized by the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation (NACOSTI), in partnership with a consortium of esteemed institutions and organizations, including the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), served as a platform to show the transformative potential of research, science, and technology in strengthening national security and fostering sustainable prosperity.
KEMRI’s Acting Director General & CEO of KEMRI, Prof. Elijah Songok, delivered a compelling presentation emphasizing the critical role of research in addressing substance use disorders and their profound impacts on society. With statistics revealing alarming global and national rates of substance abuse, Prof. Songok highlighted the harmful effects on health security, including the spread of infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, vulnerability to bioterrorism, strain on healthcare systems, and social disintegration.
Recognizing the significance of research in combating substance abuse, Prof. Songok outlined KEMRI’s contributions to generating evidence-based interventions, prevention strategies, treatment approaches, harm reduction measures, and the integration of traditional medicine into holistic recovery programs.
Prof. Songok emphasized the necessity of continued collaboration, innovation, and support for evidence-based initiatives to address substance abuse comprehensively. “Research is very critical in terms of the areas of drug abuse and to get solutions collaborations and partnerships are essential, KEMRI aims to advance from understanding prevalence and patterns to actively engaging in prevention and intervention strategies, treatment and rehabilitation services, policy analysis, studying special populations, monitoring emerging trends, and conducting cross-cultural studies,” said Prof. Songok. “Such endeavors require strong partnerships and collaborations, enabling resource pooling, capacity building, coordination, and alignment, ultimately enhancing substance abuse mitigation efforts and health security,” added Prof. Songok.

Reflecting on DG’s presentation, Prof. Timothy Maitho from University of Nairobi commended, “I appreciate the commendable efforts regarding Khat research by KEMRI and your significant contributions to our nation, some substances, like Khat, are linked to cancer, and your work plays a crucial role in mitigating this risk and potentially reducing cancer cases in our country,” he said.
The event was organized by the National Commission for Science, Technology, and Innovation (NACOSTI) in partnership with the National Research Fund, KENIA, National Counter Terrorism Centre, Centurion Systems, Konza Technopolis Development Authority, National Defense University, Kenya Industrial Property Institute, Egerton University, Vision 2030 Secretariat, Kenya Association of Manufacturers, Open University of Kenya, and the Engineers Board of Kenya.