Knowledge Management & Resource Development Staff Profiles

Ms. Lilian M. Mayieka

Ag. Deputy Director KM & RD

Ms. Lilian Mayieka is a Senior Research Scientist at the Resource Development  & Knowledge Management department,   Kenya Medical Research Institute with over 10 years experience in both quantitative and qualitative research,  disease surveillance, outbreak response and health research processes management.

As a Certified Knowledge Manager, Ms. Mayieka has a keen interest in institutional Knowledge management and knowledge synthesis to encourage evidence-based decision making using research findings.

Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Master’s in Public Health
  • BSc in Biomedical Sciences and Technology


Selected Publications
  1. Leila AbdullahiID, John Joseph Onyango, Carol Mukiira, Joyce Wamicwe, Rachel Githiomi, David Kariuki, Cosmas Mugambi, Peter Wanjohi, George Githuka, Charles Nzioka, Jennifer Orwa, Rose Oronje, James Kariuki, Lilian Mayieka. Community interventions in Low- And Middle-Income Countries to inform COVID-19 control implementation decisions in Kenya: A rapid systematic review. (View Publication)
  2. Collins Owuor, Zaydah R. de Laurent, Gilbert K. Kikwai, Lillian M.Mayieka, Melvin Ochieng, Nicola F. Müller, Nancy A. Otieno, Gideon O. Emukule ,Elizabeth N. Hunsperger, Rebecca Garten, John R. Barnes, Sandra S. Chaves, D. James Nokes and Charles N. Agoti. Characterizing the countrywide epidemic spread of influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus in Kenya between 2009 and 2018.
  3. M. Mayieka, G Arunga, Z Ng’ang’a, S Khamadi, J Oundo, CL Otieno, L. Ndegwa. Molecular characterization of potential healthcare associated respiratory syncytial virus in three referral hospitals in Kenya,2009-2011  Ndegwa (View Publication)
  4. Charles N Agoti, Lillian M Mayieka, James R Otieno, Jamal A Ahmed, Barry S Fields, Lilian W Waiboci, Raymond Nyoka, Rachel B Eidex, Nina Marano, Wagacha Burton, Joel M Montgomery, Robert F Breiman, and D James Nokes. Examining strain diversity and phylogeography in relation to unusual epidemic pattern of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in a long-term refugee camp in Kenya. (View Publication)
  5. D L Caselton, G Arunga, G Emukule, P Muthoka, L Mayieka, A Kosgey, R Ochola, L W Waiboci, D R Feikin, J A Mott, R F Breiman, M A Katz. Does the length of specimen storage affect influenza testing results by realtime reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction? An analysis of influenza surveillance, 2008 to 2010. (View Publication)
  6. Linus K. Ndegwa MPHE, Mark A. Katz MD Kelly McCormick MSPH, Z. Nganga PhD, Ann Mungai MD, Gideon Emukule MSc, M.K.H.M. Kollmann MD, Lilian Mayieka MSc , J.Otieno MD, Robert F. Breiman MD, Joshua A. Mott PhD, Katherine Ellingson PhD. Surveillance for respiratory health care associated infections among inpatients in three Kenyan hospitals,2010-2012 (View Publication)

Prof Eleanor Ochodo-Opondo

Assistant Principal Research Scientist

Prof Eleanor Ochodo-Opondo is an Assistant Principal Research Scientist at KEMRI and Associate Professor Extraordinary of Clinical Epidemiology at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She leads the evidence synthesis and knowledge translation research group at the Centre for Global Health Research (CGHR) at KEMRI. Her research revolves around evidence-based health care, knowledge translation and diagnostic test evaluation. She is an academic editor with the Cochrane collaboration (infectious diseases group) and is on the editorial boards of journals, PLOS One and PLOS Global Health. She has served as a methodologist/ systematic reviewer to the World Health Organization (WHO) informing guidance on Covid-19 and diagnostic testing for TB and HIV. She was awarded the prestigious 2019 UK MRC/DFID African Research Leader award and 2020 UK NIHR developmental award to advance the science of evidence synthesis and research translation in Kenya in collaboration with Stellenbosch University, South Africa, and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. She was part of the technical working group that led to the establishment of Cochrane Kenya within the Knowledge Management department at KEMRI.

Selected Publications
  1. Ochodo EA, Guleid F, Deeks JJ, Mallett S. Point-of-care tests detecting HIV nucleic acids for diagnosis of HIV-1 or HIV-2 infection in infants and children aged 18 months or less. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Aug 12;8(8):CD013207. (View Publication)
  2. Spies R, Potter M, Hollamby R, van der Walt S, Hohlfeld A, Ochodo E, van Zyl-Smit RN. Sputum colour as a marker for bacteria in acute exacerbations of COPD: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2021 Jul 27;10(1):211. (View Publication)
  3. Zifodya JS, Kreniske JS, Schiller I, Kohli M, Dendukuri N, Schumacher SG, Ochodo EA, Haraka F, Zwerling AA, Pai M, Steingart KR, Horne DJ. Xpert Ultra versus Xpert MTB/RIF for pulmonary tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance in adults with presumptive pulmonary tuberculosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2021 Feb 22;2:CD009593. (View Publication)
  4. Stegeman I, Ochodo EA, Guleid F, Holtman GA, Yang B, Davenport C, Deeks JJ, Dinnes J, Dittrich S, Emperador D, Hooft L, Spijker R, Takwoingi Y, Van den Bruel A, Wang J, Langendam M, Verbakel JY, Leeflang MM; Cochrane COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Accuracy Group. Routine laboratory testing to determine if a patient has COVID-19. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 Nov 19;11(11):CD013787 .(View Publication)
  5. Telford LH, Abdullahi LH, Ochodo EA, Zuhlke LJ, Engel ME. Standard echocardiography versus handheld echocardiography for the detection of subclinical rheumatic heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy. BMJ Open. 2020 Oct 29;10(10):e038449. (View Publication)
  6. Ochodo EA, Kalema N, Schumacher S, Steingart K, Young T, Mallett S, Deeks J,Cobelens F, Bossuyt PM, Nicol MP, Cattamanchi A. Variation in the observed effect of Xpert MTB/RIF testing for tuberculosis on mortality: A systematic review and analysis of trial design considerations. Wellcome Open Res. 2020 Aug 17;4:173. (View Publication)

Safari Agure

Research Officer

Ms. Agure’s experience is in Health Research specifically, Health system strengthening, Social determinants of health & Human behavior, Mixed methods study designs, Qualitative research methodology & analysis as well as research implementation..  She is passionate about enabling Knowledge and evidence to impact policy & practice thus in that area, she has requisite qualifications and experience in Knowledge management & Translation specifically Evidence based decision making,

Ms. Agure has supported students in research proposal conceptualization & development through the Institute of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases (ITROMID) and the KEMRI graduate school programs.

Ms. Agure continues to serve in both institutional and national assignments in the areas of scientific development, Training, capacity building and knowledge translation.  She is a former head of The Social Sciences Research Division of The Centre for Public Health Research.

Academic and Professional Qualifications

Education background:

  • Masters Health System Management, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya
  • PhD (C) (Health Systems Management- HRH/ HIS), Kenya Methodist University, Kenya
  • M.B.A (Human Resources), Moi University, Kenya
  • PGD (Human Resources Management),Cambridge College, Jersey, UK
  • B.Sc. (Home science & Technology), Maseno University, Kenya

Professional profile:

  • Certificate Knowledge Translation; NextGenU
  • Certificate- Knowledge Management; Kenyatta University
  • Certificate-  Power BI analytics; CISCO
  • Certificate-  Leadership; University of Washington
Selected Publications
  1. Dawa J, Were F, Maritim M, Wangai K, Githanga D, Ongore D, Gontier C, Osano B, Tuei J, Gatheru Z, Maree E, Anyango E, Muthoka P, Kalani R, Mutie D, Tabu C, Thuo S, Lumba M, Symekher L, Agure S, Kaboro , Wandera E, Makayotto L, Kadivane S, Karanja J, Muema J, Mwatondo A, Amukoye E (2017) Compiling evidence to guide policy decisions on the introduction of the influenza vaccine in Kenya. 2017 Global Evidence Summit
  2. Otambo P.C.N., Mathu D.1 Mutai J., Agure S., Ongadi B. Makokha A., Karama M.:Factors associated with uptake of HIV/AIDS prevention services among men who have sex with men in Nairobi County. July 14, 2016 HIV/AIDS, Volume29_4 1 Comment
  3. Safari Agure. “Schooling In The Midst Of Khat Growing, Chewing and Trading”. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME) , vol. 9, no. 2, 2019, pp. 59-67
  4. Peter Wanzala, Charles Mbakaya, Erastus Muniu, Safari Agure, Lydia Kaduka, Leah Kirumbi, Mercy Karimi, Fredrick Kirui, Veronica Manduku, Linnet Ongeri, Richard Mutisya, Elizabeth Echoka, Joseph Mutai, Ndegwa L, Olale Joan, Mpoke S. (2017) Association between oral hygiene and miraa/ muguka chewing. Journal of the Kenya Dental association
  5. Ongeri L, Kirui F, Muniu E, Manduku V, Kirumbi L, Atwoli L, Agure S, Wanzala P, Kaduka L, Karimi M, Mutisya R, Echoka E, Mutai J, Mathu D, Mbakaya C. Khat use and psychotic symptoms in a rural Khat growing population in Kenya: a household survey. BMC Psychiatry. 2019 May 7;19(1):137. (View Publication)

Ms. Wambui Njonge.

Academic and Professional Qualifications
  • Msc. Knowledge Management and Innovation (Ongoing)
  • Bsc. Information Science (Hons.)
  • Certificate in Leadership and management in global health from University of Washington
Professional Profile;

Wambui, has been a librarian for the past 15 years and hold a Bachelor of Science in Information Science from Moi University. She is currently pursuing a Master’s of Science degree in Knowledge Management and innovation at K.C.A. University.

She joined KEMRI as an Assistant Librarian at the KEMRI HQ library. She has skills in information literacy, reference services, retrieval and dissemination of information and use and training in electronic resources. Wambui is currently working at the office of Resource Development and Knowledge Management where she is working at advancing knowledge management practices in KEMRI. So far she has been involved in the documenting of stories of significant change within different counties.

She is also a trained and certified internal auditor in ISO 9001:2015 Standard and has participated in auditing various departments within KEMRI.

Ms. Joan Kemunto Onchana

Officer Administrator

Ms. Kemunto is a higher diploma holder

Mr. Abdiaziz Ali Gosar

Research Scientist
  • Masters in Molecular Medicine at JKUAT
  • B.Sc. Biochemistry K.U (2015).
Professional Qualifications

Mr. Ali is proficient in:

  1. Development of Immunochromatographic Test Kits through optimization of various parameters for COVID-19 IgG/IgM and Malaria Antigen (currently).
  2. Evaluation of various COVID-19 Antigen and antibody rapid kits imported into the country.
  3. Preparation, distribution and recruitment of participants in the External Quality Control for COVID-19 RT-PCR.
  4. Development and evaluation of Enzymatic Cleaner/Disinfectant.
  5. Collection and characterization of Snake venoms for subsequent production of antivenom.
Selected Publications
  1. Pre-evaluation assessment of serological-based COVID-19 point-of-care lateral flow assays in Kenya. (View Publication)

Mr. Samuel Omari

Research Scientist
Academic and professional qualification
  • Master of Science in Molecular Medicine, JKUAT
  • Microbiology
Professional/ Work/Research Experience

Mr. Samuel Omari is a Research Scientist based at the KEMRI Innovation and Technology Transfer Division (ITTD). He also doubles up as the Head of Quality Assurance unit and acting Head of the Research and development Unit in the Division.

Mr. Omari has a vast experience in Molecular techniques, Cell/Tissue culture and microbiological techniques.

He is involved in development, evaluation and production of Rapid Diagnostic Medical devices as well as PCR test Kits.

He is involved in collection and characterization of Snake venoms for local production of snake- antivenom

He has previously been engaged in molecular screening of HIV in infants under the HIV-EID Program.

He has spearheaded the Division in reaccreditation for: ISO 17043:2010 for HIV serology as well as in obtaining accreditation for Proficiency Testing for COVID-19 molecular diagnosis making KEMRI the first institute regionally to obtain this status; ISO 13485:2016 certification as well as maintaining the division’s WHO cGMP status.

Selected Publications
  1. Pre-evaluation assessment of serological-based COVID-19 point-of-care lateral flow assays in Kenya (View Publication)

Ms. Eunice Wambui Wainaina

Research Officer
Academic profile
  • BSc. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Second Class: Lower Division): Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Professional Profile

Research scientist: Innovation and Technology Transfer Division: ITTD


  • Development of rapid diagnostic test kits- Hepatitis B, COVID 19, malaria
  • Evaluation/validation of diagnostic tests
  • Preparation of proficiency testing (PT) panels- HIV, COVID 19
  • Proposal development
  • Manuscript preparation
Selected Publications
  1. Pre-evaluation assessment of serological-based COVID-19 point-of-care lateral flow assays in Kenya (View Publication)

Esther Kerubo Nyamwange

Senior Laboratory Technologist
Academic Qualifications
  • Diploma Technology (Analytical Chemistry)
Professional Qualifications

Her roles at ITTD include;

  • Alternate Quality Assurance
  • Test of raw materials and final Products
  • Development of new products and improvement (KEMrub and Safikem)
  • Conducting Internal Audits (Documentation)
  • Development SOPs
  • Production record review and completion (BMRs – Kemrub and TBcide)
Selected Publications
  • Anti-Bacterial Efficacy of alcoholic hand rubs in Kenyan Market 2015. (View Publication)

Mr. Nyabuti Motari Lameck

Senior Laboratory Technologist
Academic Profile
  • Bachelor of Technology in Biotechnology
  • Diploma in Applied Biology
Professional Profile
  • Development of Rapid Test Kits for diagnostics.
  • Evaluation of COVID-19 antibody and antibody rapid detection kits in Kenya.
  • Evaluation of Malaria antigen rapid detection kits.
  • Preparation of Proficiency Testing for SARS-CoV-2 and TTI’s.
  • Development and review of SOPs.
  • Production of Ready to use Culture media
Selected Publications
  1. Pre-evaluation assessment of serological-based COVID-19 point-of-care lateral flow assays in Kenya. (View Publication)

Ms. Lucy Wangui Muita

Senior Laboratory Analyst
Academic Qualifications
  • BSC Microbiology
Professional Qualifications

Ms. Lucy hold the following responsibilities:

  • Head of Ready-to-Use Culture media Production Line in ITTD
  • New product Design and Formulation(KEM-ZYME)
  • Process and Products Validation
  • Document development(SOPs,
  • BMRs, Validation protocols, Quality Manual, Quality Objectives)
  • Implementation of Proficiency Testing as per ISO 17043 ( Microbiology)
  • Microbial testing Assays
Selected Publications
  1. Pre-evaluation assessment of serological-based COVID-19 point-of-care lateral flow assays in Kenya James K. Kimotho, Abdiaziz A. Gosar, Ronald Inyangala, Paulyne Wairimu, Fred Siyoi, Damaris Matoke-Muhia, Cecilia Wanjala, Jeremiah Zablon, Moses Orina, Lucy Muita, Jacqueline Thiga, Lameck Nyabuti, Eunice Wainaina, Joseph Mwangi, Alice Mumbi, Samuel Omari, Ann Wanjiru, Samson M. Nzou, Missiani Ochwoto African Journal of Laboratory Medicene; vol 10 no 1(2021)
  2. Anti-Bacterial Efficacy of alcoholic hand rubs in Kenyan Market 2015. Missiani Ochwoto,  Lucy Muita,  Keith Talaam,  Cecilia Wanjala,  Frank Ogeto, Faith Wachira,  Saida Osman,  James Kimotho &  Linus Ndegwa (View Publication)

Ms. Anne Mwangi

Laboratory Analyst

Mrs. Mwangi holds a Higher Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology.

She is involved in the production of rapid test kits, proficiency testing materials for TTIs and ready to use culture media.

Ms. Rose Achieng Onyango

Assistant Librarian

Ms. Rose holds a diploma in information studies

Ms. Ann Iruata
Knowledge Management Officer

Ann Iruata Namulen, is a research Scientist at KEMRI with a role and responsibilities of Providing input in the development of the knowledge management policies and procedures .Develop and implement effective and efficient utilization of knowledge by researchers Undertaking end user knowledge training needs analysis, projections and develop tailored training programs Report preparation on information traffic in the resource center Contributing to the writing of reports on work and program schedules of resource center Participating in scheduled training seminars for end-users within KEMRI and in the County Hospital Health Management Teams Searching for and retrieving information from the internet and online databases Drafting of promotional materials for KEMRI knowledge management observatory Writing and assisting in proposals writing

In addition, Ann is a clinical Epidemiologist with an interest in parasitic and infectious diseases. She has an extensive research work experience in phases I, II, III & IV Clinical Trials. She has coordinated Covid 19 activities including testing, vaccination and home based care for KEMRI staff. She had added responsibility as an ISO champion in CCR. She is also a member of National Cohesion & National Values Committee in the Institute

She has developed competitive protocols that have attracted research funds to facilitate the implementation of epidemiological research. She has authored and co-authored peer reviewed publications,. She has presented 4 abstracts in local conferences

Ann has an on-going PhD in Clinical Epidemiology in Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, she earned Master’s degree in Medical Epidemiology at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, a bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Kenya Methodist University and a diploma in Kenya Registered Nursing from the Kenya Medical Training College. She is a member of National Nurses Association of Kenya. She has a practicing license with the Nursing Council of Kenya she is currently seeking certification in Knowledge management.

Selected Publications
  1. Factors associated with nutritional status among children with visceral leishmaniasis attending Kacheliba Sub- County Hospital, West Pokot County, Kenya Journal of Health, Medicine and Nursing.   Ann I. Namulen et al
  2. “Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Guardians on Nutritional Status of Children with Visceral Leishmaniasis Attending Kacheliba Sub-County Hospital, West Pokot County, Kenya” AJHS/2020/ 612 By Ann I. Namulen Et al
  3. Association of Nutritional supplements with the treatment outcomes and nutritional status of children aged 5-12 years with active visceral leishmaniasis in Baringo and West Pokot Counties.Journal of Health, Medicine and /2022 Ann Iruata Namulen et al
Developed Proposals
  1. Association of Nutritional supplements with the treatment outcomes and nutritional status of children aged 5-12 years with active visceral leishmaniasis in Baringo and West Pokot Counties. Ann Namulen et al
  2. Factors associated with nutritional status among children with visceral leishmaniasis attending Kacheliba Sub- County Hospital, West Pokot County. Kenya. Ann Namulen et al
  3.  Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Guardians on Nutritional Status of Children with Visceral Leishmaniasis Attending Kacheliba Sub-County Hospital, West Pokot County, Kenya. Ann namulen et al
  4. Prevalence of osteoporosis among women aged ≥ 40 years in kenya. Ann Namulen et al
  5. Micronutrients prevalence and analysis among children 5-12 years with visceral leishmaniasis at Baringo and West Pokot Ann namulen et al
  6. A community assessment of population characteristics, gaps in diagnosis access to treatment of CL as an NTD in Gilgil Sub-County, Nakuru Kenya. Dr Margaret Mbuchi, Dr. Njenga Njoroge,Ann Namulen George Kirigi
  7. Interventional assessment in dietary management of diabetes melitus among peopple living with diabetes melitus in kenya. Rehema Mwachuo, Ann Namulen
  8.  Esophageal cancer male to female incidence ratios in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis of geographic, time and age trends. Anne Korir, Nathan Okerosi,George Kirigi, Ann Namulen
  9. Prevalence of Substance Use and Its Association with Sociodemographic and Behavioral Factors among Women Who Conduct Sex Work in Kenya. Dr. Linet Ongeri,Charity, Linet Ouma, Ann Namulen.
  10. Optimizing of quality of DNA samples for qPCR from the blood of patients with visceral leishmanias -Njoroge,magiri,Alfred muia, Ann Namulen ( ICF translator)
  11. IRONMAN: International Registry for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer. Dr. Gatheri,Rukia,Namulen
  12. Evaluation of Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV Program Indicators and Outcomes in HIV-Exposed Infants in Kenya A Registry-Based National Survey. Grace John-Stewart, MD, PhD(PI),John Kinuthia, MBChB, MMed, MPH (Protocol chair),Benson Singa, MBChB, MPH .(PI),Ann Namulen (Co-Investigator)
  13. An open-label clinical trial to assess the pharmacokinetics and safety of miltefosine allometric dose for the treatment of children with primary visceral leishmaniasis in Eastern Africa-ponsor: DNDi Dr Monique Wasunna, Director, DNDi Regional Office, Nairobi, Kenya Dr Fabiana Alves, Clinical Project Manager, DNDi Geneva, Switzerland Dr Robert Kimutai, Clinical Trial Manager,Ann Namulen (Study co-ordinator)

Edna Wanjiku

ICT Officer

Edna Wanjiku is an ICT officer and the web content creator for Cochrane Kenya, KEMRI.

She has over 13 years’ work experience in the ICT field with a passion for use of ICT for health research.

Ms. Edna holds a Bachelor of Science in Computing and is currently pursuing MBA, Information systems.

Mr. James M. Mokereri

Senior Office Assistant

Mr. James Mokereri joined KEMRI on May 2003 as a Security Officer. Later on he was transferred to Registry department at HQs.

In 2015 he was deployed to Co-operate Affairs department where he worked for two years before joining Research Development and Knowledge Management department. He is currently working as a senior office assistant at KM department.