KEMRI Leads Successful SHA Rapid Results Initiative in Nandi County.
January 23, 2025
KEMRI Gears Up for a Historic 15th KEMRI Annual Scientific and Health Conference (KASH).
January 30, 2025
KEMRI Leads Successful SHA Rapid Results Initiative in Nandi County.
January 23, 2025
KEMRI Gears Up for a Historic 15th KEMRI Annual Scientific and Health Conference (KASH).
January 30, 2025

Japan Commends KEMRI: “We Are Proud Of You ! ”

The Ag. Director General KEMRI Prof. Elijah Songok makes his remarks while the State Minister for Foreign Affairs Japan, Mr. FUJII Hiyasuki actively follows.

The visit to KEMRI this week by a high level delegation from Japan led by its State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Fujii Hisayuki, and the Assistant Minister, Director-General of African-present Affairs Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Amb. Mr. Horiuchi Toshihiro, underscored and fortified the longstanding fruitful partnership and collaboration between the People and Government of Japan and the Kenya through the Institute and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

Indeed, the two foreign diplomats described the Institute as “the best symbol of our long standing and fruitful friendship between our two countries”. “I am super impressed by what KEMRI has achieved through close collaboration with Japan which has meaningful and impactful health consequences not only to our people, but globally,” said Mr. Hisayuki, during his Thursday 16th, January 2025 tour to the Institute. Four days later, his deputy concurred saying, “I am proud that Japan has been part of this journey that has contributed to your health research leadership not only in this region and African continent, but globally”.

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Japan, Mr. FUJII Hiyasuki signing the visitor’s book while the Ag. Director General KEMRI Prof. Elijah Songok looks on.
Ambassador, Assistant Minister, Director General of African-Present Affairs Department, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Mr. Horiuchi Toshihiro signing the visitor’s book while the Ag. Director General Prof. Elijah Songok and Ag. Director Scientific Programmes, Partnerships and Grants Management Dr. Mariciannah Onono look on.

While similar visits to the Institute by this caliber of guests, would attract a razzmatazz of heightened security and sirens, the visit by the two high-ranking Japanese diplomats was humble.

Both the State Minister for Foreign Affairs and his deputy and their respective delegation’s arrival was greeted by joy and excitement from those present led by Ag. Director General, Prof. Elijah Songok. “Karibu nyumbani,” said Prof. Songok, to his guests and their delegations when they toured this week, “we have together achieved so much over the last five decades in scientific research, infrastructure development, and capacity building,” he happily intimated.

The collaboration between KEMRI and the Japan dates back to the 1980’s during the Institute’s inception with the construction of the Institute’s Central Laboratory Complex and KEMRI Headquarters and other infrastructural developments. This was then followed by a series of deliberate and strategic human resource and capacity development initiatives that benefited over slightly over 100 specialized scientists, most with PhDs and Masters Qualifications.

 Investment into the country’s laboratory system has been the hallmark of this relationship. The construction and equipping of the Bio-Safety Level Three Laboratory (BSL3) was a major contribution that has significantly improving the country’s capability to handle infectious disease outbreaks.

Through JICA, the two Institutions successfully mounted capacity enhancement initiatives, popularly known as the Third Country Training Programme (TCTP) targeting regional and continental participants’ specialized aspects of the healthcare systems. The current TCTP session provides specialized training for scientists from selected countries across Africa, with laboratory knowledge, skills, attitude and critical judgment in response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. The programme also seeks to establish and operationalize partnerships collaborations and networks across the selected countries for improved preparedness and response in accordance with International Health Regulations (IHR) 2005 and Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA).

While in Nairobi, the visiting Japanese Ministers had an opportunity to assess the country’s latest support to the Institute: Ksh. 3 billion worth, state-of-the-art research complex whose Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that was signed by H.E President William Ruto and Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida early 2024. This facility will feature high biocontainment laboratories with state of the art equipment for use in disease surveillance, pathogen identification, vaccines and diagnostic kits design and discovery and development.

During the recent visit to the Institute, Mr. Fujii and Amb. Toshihiro engaged with some of the KEMRI scientists that are alumni of Japan’s training programs, highlighting the impact of Japanese-funded initiatives on the region’s health research landscape.

The Minister’s delegation included Amb. Horoshi Matsuura, Mr. Takashi Marumori, Mr. Michiko Tsumura, Mr. Sumire Kobayashi, Ms. Yukie Mochizuki and Ms. Yuko Hanada. Also present from JICA were Mr. Elijah Kinyangi and Mr. Kozo Watanabe. Besides Prof. Songok, others who received this team included members of the KEMRI Board of Directors, Dr. Damaris Maweu, Ms. Faith Mwongerah and Mr. Christopher Marwa.

Monday, 20th, January 2025’s Horiuchi’s delegation included Deputy Chief of Mission, Mr. Hiroshi Ogihara, Ms. Noriko Kobayashi, Mr. Hiroshi Seto, Mr. Shinkawa, Ms. Nae Kaneko, Mr. Watanabe, Ms. Hanada and Mr. Kinyangi.

Discussions during both forums centered on deepening bilateral ties in scientific research, expanding infrastructure, and fostering knowledge exchange between KEMRI and Japan. Speakers, who included Dr. Evans Amukoye who is the TCP Project Director expressed gratitude for Japan’s continued support, noting that the partnership has significantly contributed to the Institute’s growth and impact. “For decades, Japan has been a key development partner in advancing research excellence at KEMRI, through collaborations in capacity building, infrastructure support, and knowledge sharing, we have strengthened our ability to respond to public health challenges,” said during a brief reflective presentation.

He’s view was supported by Prof. Songok who also acknowledged Japan’s role in supporting high-level training for KEMRI scientists, stating that these initiatives have enhanced the Institute’s ability to conduct groundbreaking research and develop innovative health solutions.

Mr. Fujii on his part reaffirmed the Government of Japan’s commitment to supporting KEMRI in advancing its research and healthcare initiatives, including in the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC).“It is great to see that KEMRI has established great collaboration with Japan and we would be glad to continue strengthening it. The Government of Japan remains committed to working with KEMRI to advance research and healthcare solutions. We will continue to support infrastructure development and capacity building, and we look forward to contributing to the successful implementation of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya,” stated Mr. Fujii.

He emphasized that strengthening research institutions like KEMRI is critical especially for tackling emerging global health challenges and ensuring accessible healthcare solutions for all.

Prof. Songok welcomed Japan’s commitment, noting that UHC aligns with KEMRI’s mission of driving health research for better policy formulation and improved healthcare delivery in Kenya.

“As we strive to enhance research outputs that influence national and global health policies, partnerships such as this provide the necessary resources and expertise to bridge gaps in healthcare service delivery, KEMRI remains committed to fostering global partnerships that accelerate scientific discoveries and improve health solutions for communities in Kenya and beyond.” said Prof. Songok who was accompanied by Ag. Director Research and Development Prof. Nelly Mugo, Ag. Director, Scientific Programmes, Partnerships and Grants Management Dr. Mariciannah Onono, Ag. Director Dr. Martin Bundi and Director Corporate Services Mr. Jones Otuke. Others included Deputy Director Corporate Communications Mr. Davis Mkoji, Deputy Director Supply Chain Management Mr. Kalu Kitaba, Deputy Director Information Communication Technology, Mr. Mahasen Abud, Deputy Director, Engineering and Maintenance Engineer Grace Munoru, Ag. Deputy Director, Finance and Accounts, Mr. Gabriel Kamau, among other senior research scientists.

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